Why You Should Use Neutrogena Hydrogel Sheet Masks

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Admittedly, I was one of the last people in my industry to get into the whole sheet masking fad (shocking, I know, but I’m just being honest) and now can safely say that I can’t do without them. As I type this post, I’m sitting with the Neutrogena Purifying Boost (The Detoxifier) Hydrogel Recovery Mask on my face because, I enjoy to multi-mask (see what I did there?) and will walk you through the experience of wearing one of them, and of course, explain why these brilliant products should be incorporated into your life too – unless you’ve beaten me to it.

You’ll notice a pattern when it comes to the beauty products I rave about. They all seem to have two things in common:

1) They need to be fuss-free and…

2) Deliver great results, INSTANTLY.

Neutrogena Hydrogel Recovery Masks are heaven sent. In just 15 minutes, the equivalent of a 30ml bottle of concentrated moisturising serum is delivered to your skin. All you have to do is simply apply the Hydrogel sheet mask to your face and relax (or type a post raving about it if you want to save time, like me).

*1 mask = 1 application.

What Does a Sheet Mask Feel Like?

Removing the Hydrogel mask from the packaging can be tricky as you don’t want to lose any of the serum/product. This mask has two parts; one for the top half of your face (eyes, forehead and upper cheek area) and the other for your bottom half (bottom cheek area and chin). The Hydrogel mask itself feels quite jelly-like but cooling as soon as you put it on your face. Be sure to smooth out all the areas to even out the mask properly. You don’t want to miss any spots.

Which Neutrogena Hydrogel Recovery Mask Would You Pick?

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  • Neutrogena Purifying Boost – The Detoxifier, R59,95:

This is the one I’m wearing right now and feel my skin needs the most. With silly season upon us, this mask may be your new best friend. December and January means consuming more of everything, which takes its toll on your skin. ‘The Detoxifier’ contains seaweed extract which intensely purifies, helps your complexion look healthy and feel super soft. I’ve used this one countless times before and it’s my go-to after a long, exhausting weekend of one too many glasses of bubbles.

  • Neutrogena Radiance Boost – The Illuminator, R59,95:

Dull-looking skin? ‘The Illuminator’ should be your mask of choice because it contains Vitamin B3, known to perk up tired-looking skin (which we all need from time-to-time), illuminate, enhance radiance and leaves you feeling refreshed and glowy.

Remember, one mask application is the equivalent of one month’s serum use. It’s incredible.

  • Neutrogena Hydro Boost – The Super Hydrator, R59,95:

‘The Super Hydrator’ is my favourite of them all but I haven’t had to use it recently as my hydration levels have been good. But, if you’re in the need for a mega boost of hydration – this mask will be your saving grace. It contains heaps of Hyaluronic Acid which as you know, intensely hydrates the skin, making it feel supple and resulting in an overall healthy glow. It’s also suitable for sensitive skin.

  • Neutrogena Ageless Boost – The Smart Smoother, R59,95:

‘The Smart Smoother’ lives up to its name and rightly so – it contains Adenosine which helps smooth the skin, fill in fine lines and gives your complexion a youthful appearance. Sounds good, right? Each mask that I’ve referred to is designed to resemble a ‘second skin’, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate the skin.

How To Use Each Mask:

Step 1. Cleanse your face thoroughly.

Step 2. Peel the white film backing from the Hydrogel sheet mask and discard.

Step 3. Place the hydrogel mask onto your face and leave on for 30 minutes. (Tip: You can leave it on for 15 minutes but I prefer sitting for 30 minutes in order for my skin to soak up all the benefits of this product. It’s entirely up to you, though).

Step 4. Remove the Hydrogel sheet mask and massage what’s left of the product onto your face and neck.

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Kelli’s Top Masking Tips:

1) I use my Hydrogel masks before bedtime as it gives the product and ingredients enough time to absorb – plus, it’s the ideal way to wind down after a long day. Remember, you can only get one application from one mask.

2) Why wait until January 2020 to begin your ‘beauty ‘ New Year’s resolution? Rather kickstart it now, in December, to make sure your skin’s always looking fab.

3) These Hydrogel masks are the ideal products to travel with. They take up minimal space in your toiletry bag, have strong packaging that will definitely not leak and it’s also a great way to relax during your holiday.

4) Do NOT apply moisturiser before your mask. Just cleanse your skin. The whole purpose of the Hydrogel sheet mask is for your skin to absorb ingredients properly and effectively.

5) These Neutrogena Hydrogel masks are essentially serums so make sure you use the leftover bits of the formula and apply it to your skin. Every little bit helps.

6) Designate one day a week as your masking day. I choose Sunday evenings as it’s a great way to unwind and start the new week afresh.

*All masks are R59,95 each and are available from Clicks & Dis-Chem.

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Now, I want to hear from you! Have you ever used a sheet mask? Which one of the Neutrogena Hydrogel Recovery Masks speaks to you the most? Leave your comments below.

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*This post was sponsored by Neutrogena.